Purchase Contract
合同编号(Contract No.): ____________
Party A (Purchaser):
公司名称(Company Name): ____________
法定代表人(Legal Representative): ____________
地址(Address): ____________
联系电话(Telephone Number): ____________
Party B (Supplier):
公司名称(Company Name): ____________
法定代表人(Legal Representative): ____________
地址(Address): ____________
联系电话(Telephone Number): ____________
WHEREAS Party A desires to purchase the following products/services and Party B is willing to supply the same, both parties, through friendly negotiation, have reached the following agreement:
一、产品/服务描述及规格(Product/Service Description and Specifications)
1. 乙方应按照以下描述和规格向甲方提供产品/服务:
Party B shall supply the products/services to Party A in accordance with the following description and specifications:
产品/服务名称(Product/Service Name): ____________
规格(Specifications): ____________
数量(Quantity): ____________
单价(Unit Price): ____________
总价(Total Price): ____________
二、质量标准(Quality Standards)
1. 乙方所提供的产品/服务应符合国家相关标准及行业标准,且满足甲方的质量要求。
The products/services provided by Party B shall comply with relevant national and industry standards and meet the quality requirements of Party A.
三、交货时间、地点及方式(Delivery Time, Place and Method)
1. 交货时间:乙方应于______年______月______日前将产品/服务交付给甲方。
Delivery Time: Party B shall deliver the products/services to Party A on or before ____________ (date).
2. 交货地点:甲方指定的地点(详细地址)。
Delivery Place: The place designated by Party A (detailed address).
3. 交货方式:[具体交货方式,如运输方式等]
Delivery Method: [Specific delivery method, such as mode of transportation, etc.]
四、付款方式(Payment Method)
1. 甲方应在收到产品/服务并验收合格后的______个工作日内支付合同总价的______%作为货款;剩余______%作为质量保证金,在质保期届满后无质量问题的情况下支付。
Party A shall pay ______% of the total contract price as the payment for goods within ______ working days after receiving and accepting the products/services; the remaining ______% shall be paid as the quality guarantee deposit and will be paid without quality problems after the expiration of the quality guarantee period.
1. 甲方应在收到产品/服务后的______个工作日内进行验收。如发现质量问题,应及时通知乙方,乙方应负责免费更换或修复。
Party A shall conduct acceptance within ______ working days after receiving the products/services. If any quality problem is found, Party A shall notify Party B in time and Party B shall be responsible for free replacement or repair.
六、质保期(Warranty Period)
1. 乙方对所提供的产品/服务提供______个月的质保期,自验收合格之日起计算。
Party B provides a warranty period of ______ months for the products/services provided, calculated from the date of acceptance.
七、违约责任(Liability for Breach of Contract)
1. 若甲方未按照合同约定支付款项,每逾期一天,应按照未支付金额的______%向乙方支付违约金。
If Party A fails to make payment as stipulated in the contract, for each day of delay, it shall pay a penalty of ______% of the unpaid amount to Party B.
2. 若乙方未按照合同约定的时间、地点、数量和质量交付产品/服务,应按照合同总价的______%向甲方支付违约金,并承担由此给甲方造成的损失。
If Party B fails to deliver the products/services in accordance with the time, place, quantity and quality stipulated in the contract, it shall pay a penalty of ______% of the total contract price to Party A and bear the losses caused to Party A thereby.
八、争议解决(Dispute Resolution)
1. 本合同在履行过程中发生的争议,由双方协商解决;协商不成的,任何一方均有权向有管辖权的人民法院提起诉讼。
Any dispute arising during the performance of this contract shall be settled through negotiation between the two parties; if the negotiation fails, either party has the right to file a lawsuit with the people’s court having jurisdiction.
九、其他条款(Other Clauses)
1. 本合同自双方签字(盖章)之日起生效,有效期为______年。
This contract shall come into effect on the date of signature (seal) by both parties and shall be valid for ______ years.
2. 本合同一式两份,双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。
This contract is made in two copies, each party holds one copy, and both copies have the same legal effect.
甲方(盖章): 乙方(盖章):
Party A (Seal): Party B (Seal):
法定代表人或授权代表(签字): 法定代表人或授权代表(签字):
Legal Representative or Authorized Representative (Signature): Legal Representative or Authorized Representative (Signature):
日期: 日期:
Date: Date: