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欢迎 Prodvana 加入 Databricks:助力下一代基础设施发展_AI阅读总结 — 包阅AI


1. 关键词:Databricks、Prodvana、Infrastructure、Cloud、Deployment

2. 总结:Databricks 欢迎 Prodvana 团队加入,Prodvana 在云原生环境部署方面有创新方法,其团队经验丰富,双方将共同推动软件部署和基础设施管理,助力 Databricks 数据智能平台发展。

3. 主要内容:

– Databricks 正在构建全球最大的多云平台之一,以支持数据和 AI 工作负载的增长。

– Prodvana 具有创新的方法简化云原生环境中的部署复杂性,如管理交付、基础设施洞察和自愈能力。

– Databricks 将利用 Prodvana 的专长实现基础设施改进,更快部署且不牺牲安全性。

– Prodvana 创立基于智能自动化和 AI 能变革基础设施的信念。

– Prodvana 团队在为大型分布式系统构建可扩展和安全的基础设施方面经验丰富。

– 早期 Databricks 团队成员受益于 Prodvana 团队的工作,对其可靠性和性能印象深刻。

– Databricks 期待与 Prodvana 团队共同在软件部署和基础设施管理方面突破,为客户服务。





发布时间:2024/7/8 14:08







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We are thrilled to welcome the Prodvana team to Databricks. At Databricks, we are building one of the world’s largest multi-cloud platforms to support unprecedented growth of data and AI workloads. This platform launches more than 20 million virtual machines each day across the three major cloud platforms. It enables our customers to run their data and AI workloads without dealing with infrastructure details – all with enterprise-grade scalability, reliability, and consistency. The infrastructure powering this platform is one of our core competencies.

Prodvana has developed innovative methods to simplify the complexities of deployment in cloud-native environments through their managed delivery, infrastructure insights, and self-healing capabilities. At Databricks, we will leverage their expertise to help us deliver all kinds of infrastructure improvements, so we can deploy faster without sacrificing security, which ultimately benefits our customers.

“We founded Prodvana on the belief that intelligent automation and AI can truly transform infrastructure into a force multiplier that ensures correctness, error-free operations, and R&D acceleration. We are excited to join a company that shares our vision and commitment to innovation in infrastructure, ultimately making Databricks a seamless experience at immense scale,” said Andrew Fong, Co-Founder & CEO of Prodvana.

Why the Prodvana Team?

The Prodvana team has extensive experience building scalable and secure infrastructures for some of the world’s largest, most critical distributed systems – from YouTube to Dropbox. Prodvana’s co-founders, Andrew Fong and Naphat Sanguansin, were instrumental in building and scaling Dropbox’s world-class infrastructure to hundreds of millions of users. Many of Databricks’ early team members, including the co-founders, have been Dropbox users since our Berkeley days. So we’ve long been benefiting from Andrew and Naphat’s work, and we have all been consistently impressed by its reliability and performance!

The Road Ahead

We’re excited to welcome the Prodvana team as we push the boundaries of what’s possible in software deployment and infrastructure management to delight our customers. Together, we will help data and AI teams solve the world’s toughest problems with the Databricks Data Intelligence Platform. Stay tuned for more updates as we embark on this exciting journey with the Prodvana team!