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Mozilla 赴美国国会山庄,呼吁制定联邦隐私法以确保人工智能的负责任发展_AI阅读总结 — 包阅AI


1. 关键词:Mozilla、联邦隐私法、AI 发展、参议院、个人隐私

2. 总结:Mozilla 的全球产品政策总监 Udbhav Tiwari 在参议院委员会听证会上,强调联邦隐私立法对 AI 发展的重要性,指出其是可靠 AI 框架的基础,数据最小化应是政策核心,Mozilla 一直致力于推进可信 AI 。

3. 主要内容:

– 美国参议院举行题为“保护美国人隐私和 AI 促进因素的需求”的委员会听证会。

– Mozilla 的 Udbhav Tiwari 作为关键证人出席,强调隐私是 AI 政策的关键组成部分。

– Tiwari 表示全面隐私立法是健全 AI 框架的基础,否则公司可能会通过利用个人数据竞争,危及美国在 AI 领域的领导地位。

– Mozilla 致力于推进保护隐私的 AI 并倡导保障个人权利的政策,已为此努力了五年。





发布时间:2024/7/11 17:43







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Udbhav Tiwari, Mozilla's Director of Global Product Policy, testifying at a Senate committee hearing on privacy and AI, seated at a table with a microphone and nameplate.
Udbhav Tiwari, Mozilla’s Director of Global Product Policy, testifies at a Senate committee hearing on the importance of federal privacy legislation in the development of AI.

Today, U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.), Chair of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, convened a full committee hearing titled “The Need to Protect Americans’ Privacy and the AI Accelerant.” The hearing explored how AI has intensified the need for a federal comprehensive privacy law that protects individual privacy and sets clear guidelines for businesses as they develop and deploy AI systems.

Mozilla’s Director of Global Product Policy, Udbhav Tiwari, served as a key witness at the public hearing, highlighting privacy’s role as a critical component of AI policy.

“At Mozilla, we believe that comprehensive privacy legislation is foundational to any sound AI framework,” Tiwari said. “Without such legislation, we risk a ‘race to the bottom’ where companies compete by exploiting personal data rather than safeguarding it. Maintaining U.S. leadership in AI requires America to lead on privacy and user rights.” Tiwari added that data minimization should be at the core of these policies.

As a champion of the open internet, Mozilla has been committed to advancing trustworthy AI for half a decade. “We are dedicated to advancing privacy-preserving AI and advocating for policies that promote innovation while safeguarding individual rights,” Tiwari said.

Read the written testimony.