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开始使用 Gems,您的自定义 AI 专家:5 个技巧_AI阅读总结 — 包阅AI


1. 关键词:Gems、Google、AI 工具、定制响应、生活领域

2. 总结:本文介绍了如何使用 Google 的定制 AI 工具 Gems,包括给予具体指令获得更定制化的回应,将其视为生活各领域的队友,还提到了其有趣的用途。

3. 主要内容:

– 如何使用 Gems

– 使用具体指令获取更贴合需求的回应,如准备面试、培训新员工、为困难对话做准备。

– 存在有趣的使用方式,如让其扮演恐龙策划生日派对。

– 把 Gems 视为生活中的队友

– 像组建团队一样,针对生活各部分,如工作、烹饪、阅读等都可拥有相应的 Gem 工具。

– 可根据需求为其设定特定角色,如法国副厨师、阅读伙伴等。




作者:Molly McHugh-Johnson

发布时间:2024/9/5 15:29





标签:AI 应用,Google Gemini,自定义 AI 专家,生产力技巧,AI 个性化


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4. Use specific instructions to get even more tailored responses

You can give your Gems specific context and style that inform the responses you get. For example, if you want to rehearse interview questions while you’re on the job hunt, telling a Career guide Gem to talk to you like a hiring manager at a law firm could be helpful. Or maybe you need to train new employees — you can tell a Gem to act like a new hire with lots of questions so you can practice your responses. Deven says she’s also heard of people using Gems to prepare for challenging conversations. “Whether that’s with a friend or a colleague, you might want to prep,” she explains. “And you can use a Gem to do a test run.”

Of course, there are some purely fun ways to use Gems, too. “You can get really creative — for example, make a dinosaur birthday planner that takes on the character of a T-Rex to help plan a kid’s birthday party.” Deven says. “You can even tell them that a dino helped plan their party!”

5. Think of Gems like teammates for each area of your life

One way to think about Gems is to think of them like your team, Deven says. “Gems can be a tool that makes AI practical for each part of your life,” she explains. For example, Deven says that while her day job is as a product lead, she also enjoys cooking and reading. Deven’s arsenal of Gems include a few for work, like her Doc advisor Gem and her Email simplifier Gem. But she also has Gems for her other interests, like one that gives her dinner recipe ideas based on what she has in her fridge and another that analyzes her current interests and offers reading suggestions. “I can even tell my Fridge forager Gem to act like a French sous chef to take it up a notch, or my Reading buddy about my day to find a book that fits my mood,” Deven says. Whatever part of your life you want to lean into at whatever moment of your day, you can make a Gem for it!