1. 关键词:Graviton、Machine Learning、Speedups、Cost、Photon
2. 总结:
AWS 的基于 ARM 的 CPU 实例 Graviton 现受 Databricks ML Runtime 集群支持。Graviton 为机器学习工作负载带来提速、降低成本等价值。与 x86 对比,在多种机器学习应用中有显著优势,还能与 Photon 结合加速。从 Databricks Runtime 15.4 LTS ML 起可创建含 Graviton 实例的集群。
3. 主要内容:
– Graviton 现支持 Databricks ML Runtime 集群
– 为机器学习工作负载提供价值
– 多种机器学习库提速 30 – 50%
– 云成本低于 x86 实例
– 与 x86 对比的优势
– XGBoost 和 LightGBM 训练提速
– Databricks AutoML 更多超参数调优试验
– Spark MLlib 算法提速
– Spark 特征工程提速
– 与 Photon 结合
– 无论是否启用 Photon,Graviton 均提供提速
– 同时启用有更大改进
– 选择含 Graviton 实例的机器学习运行时
– 从 Databricks Runtime 15.4 LTS ML 开始
– 选择 15.4 LTS ML 及以上版本,搜索“7g”找实例
发布时间:2024/8/15 0:30
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We are excited to announce that Graviton, the ARM-based CPU instance offered by AWS, is now supported on the Databricks ML Runtime cluster. There are several ways that Graviton instances provide value for machine learning workloads:
- Speedups for various machine learning libraries:ML libraries likeXGBoost, LightGBM, Spark MLlib, and Databricks Feature Engineeringcould see up to 30-50% speedups.
- Lower cloud vendor cost: Graviton instances have lower rates on AWS than their x86 counterparts, making their price performance more appealing.
What are the benefits of Graviton for Machine Learning?
When we compare Graviton3 processors with an x86 counterpart, 3rd Gen Intel®Xeon®Scalable processors, we find that Graviton3 processors accelerate various machine learning applications without compromising model quality.
- XGBoost and LightGBM: Up to 11% speedup when training classifiers for the Covertype dataset. (1)
- Databricks AutoML: When we launched a Databricks AutoML experiment to find the best hyperparameters for the Covertype dataset, AutoML could run 63% more hyperparameter tuning trials on Graviton3 instances than Intel Xeon instances, because each trial run (using libraries such as XGBoost or LightGBM) completes faster. (2) The higher number of hyperparameter tuning runs can potentially yield better results, as AutoML is able to explore the hyperparameter search space more exhaustively. In our AutoML experiment using the Covertype dataset, after 2 hours of exploration, the experiment on Graviton3 instances could find hyperparameter combinations with a better F1 score.
- Spark MLlib: Various algorithms from Spark MLlib also run faster on Graviton3 processors, including decision trees, random forests, gradient-boosted trees, and more, with up to 1.7x speedup. (3)
- Feature Engineering with Spark: Spark’s faster speed on Graviton3 instances makes time-series feature tables with a Point-in-Time join up to 1.5x faster than with 3rd Gen Intel Xeon Scalable processors.
What about Photon + Graviton?
As mentioned in the previous blog post, Photon accelerates Spark SQL and Spark DataFrames APIs, which is particularly useful for feature engineering. Can we combine the acceleration of Photon and Graviton for Spark? The answer is yes, Graviton provides additional speedup on top of Photon.
The figure below shows the run time of joining a feature table of 100M rows with a label table. (4) Whether or not Photon is enabled, swapping to Graviton3 processors provides up to a 1.5x speedup. Combined with enabling Photon, there is a total of 3.1x improvement when both accelerations are enabled with Databricks Machine Learning Runtime.
Select Machine Learning Runtime with Graviton Instances
Starting from Databricks Runtime 15.4 LTS ML, you can create a cluster with Graviton instances and Databricks Machine Learning Runtime. Select the runtime version as 15.4 LTS ML or above; to search for Graviton3 instances, type in “7g” in the search box to find instances that have “7g” in the name, such as r7gd, c7gd, and m7gd instances. Graviton2 instances (with “6g” in the instance name) are also supported on Databricks, but Graviton3 is a newer generation of processors and has better performance.
To learn more about Graviton and Databricks Machine Learning Runtime, here are some related documentation pages:
- The compared instance types are c7gd.8xlarge with Graviton3 processor, and c6id.8xlarge with 3rd Gen Intel Xeon Scalable processor.
- Each AutoML experiment is run on a cluster with 2 worker nodes, and timeout set as 2 hours.
- Each cluster used for comparison has 8 worker nodes. The compared instance types are m7gd.2xlarge (Graviton3) and m6id.2xlarge (3rd Gen Intel Xeon Scalable processors). The dataset has 1M examples and 4k features.
- The feature table has 100 columns and 100k unique IDs, with 1000 timestamps per ID. The label table has 100k unique IDs, with 100 timestamps per ID. The setup was repeated five times to calculate the average run time.