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谷歌云 AI 夏季学习课程推荐_AI阅读总结 — 包阅AI


1. 关键词:Google Cloud、AI 课程、夏季学习、Generative AI、Vertex AI

2. 总结:本文介绍了夏季利用 Google Cloud Skills Boost 提升 AI 技能的学习路线,强调加入 Google Cloud Innovators 计划可免费获取学习资源,包括基础的生成式 AI 及相关课程,还提及负责任的 AI 创新。

3. 主要内容:

– 夏季是提升 AI 技能的好时机

– 生成式 AI 正在改变行业

– 如用 Vertex AI 定制用户体验等

– 学习资源与路线

– 作者利用 Google Cloud Skills Boost 制定路线

– 从好奇到具备能力

– 免费的 Google Cloud Innovators 计划

– 每月 35 学习积分

– 课程、实验和技能徽章免费

– 第一站:低代码方式

– 基础课程包括生成式 AI 核心概念

– 大型语言模型及负责任的 AI 等




作者:Debi Cabrera

发布时间:2024/8/14 0:00





标签:生成式 AI,谷歌云,Vertex AI,AI 教育,提示工程


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Summer’s well on its way, and it feels like it’s time for a road trip! But instead of just cruising down the highway, why not embark on a journey that supercharges your AI skills?

Generative AI isn’t just a buzzword; it’s transforming industries. With Vertex AI, you can build applications that tailor experiences for users, automate processes and order flows, and enrich data alongside BigQuery and Cloud Run.

That being said, I’m always on the lookout for helpful resources on building Gen AI products to share with my community. To help you make the most of this summer, I’ve crafted a learning roadmap using Google Cloud Skills Boost. It’s designed to guide you from AI curiosity to capability, equipping you with the skills needed to excel in this dynamic field. So, are you ready for a summer learning journey?

Phone, check.

Keys, check.

Learning credits?

It costs nothing to join the no-cost Google Cloud Innovators program, where you receive 35 learning credits each month to use on courses, labs, and skill badges in Skills Boost. This means all the stops on our summer learning road trip are accessible to you at no cost. All right, let’s hit the road!

First stop is a low-code approach

These initial training courses lay the groundwork for understanding generative AI, from its core concepts to the responsible development of large language models (LLMs). You’ll explore Google’s tools for building your own AI applications and master the art of crafting effective prompts in Vertex AI.

Training 1: Introduction to Generative AI: Get acquainted with the fundamental concepts of generative AI, and how to use it as a developer.

Training 2: Introduction to Large Language Models (LLMs): Delve deeper into the world of LLMs, their applications, and the Google tools you can use to develop your own Generative AI apps.

Training 3: Introduction to Responsible AI: It’s not just about the tech itself; it’s about responsible innovation. Learn to create AI systems that are fair, unbiased, and socially conscious.