– `Tauri 2.0`、`Plugins`、`Desktop Applications`、`Mobile`、`Stable Version`
Tauri 2.0 发布候选版于 8 月 1 日宣布,历经长时间测试。它将核心功能移至插件,为构建桌面应用提供框架,本月晚些时候将推出稳定版。此前版本有性能改进,Tauri 2.0 中 Tauri CLI 针对移动平台有新连接方式。
– Tauri 2.0 发布情况
– 8 月 1 日发布候选版,历经一年半以上的测试
– 长期测试因移动端目标过高,需与社区和采用者共同迭代
– Tauri 的特点
– 用于构建 Rust 桌面应用,占用空间小
– 可集成多种前端框架,后端可用多种语言
– Tauri 2.0 的新变化
– 稳定版本月晚些推出
– Tauri CLI 针对移动平台连接内置开发服务器方式改变
– Tauri 1.7.0 的改进
– 改进 shell API 性能
– 有自定义 Windows 代码签名脚本
发布时间:2024/8/12 22:44
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Announced August 1, the Tauri 2.0 release candidate has followed more than a year and a half of beta versions and more than a year of alpha releases. The project said the long alpha and beta states happened in part because Tauri 2.0 was overpromised as having “mobile as a first-class citizen.” The project’s developers found they can only build the foundation for mobile on their own and need to iterate on this together with the community and Tauri adopters. There are still mobile plugins in Tauri’s official repository; apps have been built for Android and iOS via Tauri.
Tauri provides a framework for building desktop applications in Rust that have a small footprint—a smaller than apps built with the Electron framework. With Tauri, developers can integrate any front end framework that compiles to HTML, JavaScript, and CSS for building user experiences while using languages such as Rust, Kotliin, and Swift for the back-end logic.
The stable version of Tauri 2.0 is due later this month. Tauri 2.0 follows Tauri 1.7.0 from July 1, which featured improved shell API performance and a custom Windows codesign script. Also in Tauri 2.0, the Tauri CLI can connect to the built-in development server running on localhost when targeting Android or iOS. Previously, this only was possible when developing a desktop application. Developers no longer need to expose their development server on a public network.