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在 Azure AKS 上使用 Terraform 和 Kubernetes 部署安全的 Spring Boot 微服务_AI阅读总结 — 包阅AI


1. `Azure AKS`、`Terraform`、`Kubernetes`、`Spring Boot`、`Microservices`

2. 本文介绍了在 Azure AKS 上使用 Terraform 和 Kubernetes 部署安全的 Spring Boot 微服务。包括使用 JHipster 创建微服务架构,通过 Terraform 配置创建 AKS 集群、Hub 网络及防火墙等,还提到了相关工具和服务。


– 背景

– 公共云流行,Azure 是领先云厂商之一,Kubernetes 是微服务编排标准,Azure 的管理 Kubernetes 服务是 AKS,部署和管理有挑战,Terraform 等 IaC 工具很有价值。

– 微服务架构创建

– 可用 JHipster 生成 Java 微服务架构,包括 Spring Boot 和 Consul,可通过 JDL 或克隆 GitHub 仓库生成,需更新部署文件中的 Docker 仓库 URI/名称。

– AKS 集群创建

– 遵循 Azure 微服务部署建议,使用 hub-spoke 网络拓扑,包含多个组件。

– 首先创建 Terraform 配置文件夹,配置相关提供程序。

– 配置 Hub 网络和 Azure 防火墙,包括创建资源组、虚拟网络、子网、公共 IP 等,并设置相关变量和输出。

– 为防火墙设置网络和应用规则。




作者:Jimena Garbarino

发布时间:2024/8/30 15:19





标签:Azure,Kubernetes,Terraform,微服务,Spring Boot


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In today’s infrastructure landscape, public clouds have emerged as the most popular choice, with Microsoft Azure being one of the leading cloud vendors. Kubernetes is the standard choice for microservices orchestration, and most public cloud providers offer managed Kubernetes services. For Azure, the managed Kubernetes service is Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).

Deploying and managing microservices on the public cloud comes with its own set of challenges. Each cloud service has unique complexities, and Azure AKS comes with its own recommended architecture best practices, which require significant time and effort for the setup and management. This is where infrastructure as code (IaC) tools like Terraform become valuable.

In this post, you will learn the basics of automating the provisioning of a managed Kubernetes cluster on Azure using a hub-network topology to deploy a Spring Boot microservices architecture generated with the JHipster framework.

JHipster, Terraform, and Azure logos

This tutorial was created with the following tools and services:

Build a Microservices Architecture with JHipster

Create a Java microservices architecture using JHipster, Spring Boot, and Consul. JHipster is an excellent tool for generating a microservice stack with Spring Boot, Angular/React/Vue.js, and other modern frameworks. To deploy the application for this demo, you can either generate it using JHipster JDL or clone the sample repository from GitHub. Here is how you can build your microservices stack using JHipster:

Option 1: Generate the architecture with JHipster Domain Language (JDL)

mkdir jhipster-microservice-stackcd jhipster-microservice-stackjhipster download jdl apps.jdl

Option 2: Clone the sample repository

git clone

Update kubernetes/invoice-k8s/invoice-deployment.yml, kubernetes/product-k8s/product-deployment.yml, and kubernetes/store-k8s/store-deployment.yml with your Docker Repository URI/Name instead of your-docker-repo.

Create an AKS Cluster Using Terraform

Following Azure recommendations for microservices deployment, in the next sections, you will find a simplified version of the advanced microservices architecture, with the components included in the diagram below:

Azure architecture diagram

Network Topology: The architecture uses a hub-spoke network topology, where the hub and spoke are deployed in separate virtual networks connected through peering, minimizing exposure of resources to the public internet. The hub virtual network contains an Azure Firewall in a dedicated subnet, securing outbound network traffic. The spoke network contains the AKS cluster, the Application Gateway, and a private link to the Azure Container Registry.

Azure Kubernetes Service: The managed Kubernetes cluster.

Azure Virtual Network: an isolated and secure environment for VMs and applications.

Azure Application Gateway: Load balances traffic to the web application, operating at Layer 7, using the Azure Application Gateway Ingress Controller (AGIC) as the Kubernetes ingress controller. It has the Web Application Firewall (WAF) enabled, securing incoming traffic from common web attacks and it can perform SSL termination.

Azure Firewall: the network security service is protecting all network resources, only allowing approved outbound traffic, by configuring firewall rules.

Azure Container Registry: stores private container images that can be run in the AKS cluster.

Application Gateway Ingress Controller (AGIC): a Kubernetes resource for leveraging the Azure Application Gateway as an external load balancer for exposing an application to the internet.

IMPORTANT NOTE: To limit the scope of this tutorial, TLS is not configured at the Application Gateway, but keep in mind securing traffic to your application is required for production.

On to the deployment, start by creating a folder for the Terraform configuration, inspired by the reference implementation from Azure:

mkdir terraformcd terraformmkdir modulestouch main.tftouch outputs.tftouch variables.tftouch

Edit the file and add the following content:

terraform {  required_version = ">=1.8"  required_providers {    azurerm = {      source  = "hashicorp/azurerm"      version = "~>3.107"    }    random = {      source  = "hashicorp/random"      version = "~>3.0"    }    azapi = {      source  = "azure/azapi"      version = "~>1.5"    }  }}provider "azurerm" {  features {}}

Configure a Hub Network and Azure Firewall

Create a module for the hub network configuration:

cd modulesmkdir hub_networkcd hub_networktouch main.tftouch outputs.tftouch variables.tftouch firewall.tftouch

Edit and add the following content:

locals {  pip_name      = "pip-fw-${var.resource_group_location}-default"  hub_fw_name   = "fw-${var.resource_group_location}-hub"  hub_vnet_name = "vnet-${var.resource_group_location}-hub"  hub_rg_name   = "rg-hubs-${var.resource_group_location}"}resource "azurerm_resource_group" "rg_hub_networks" {  name     = local.hub_rg_name  location = var.resource_group_location  tags = { displayName = "Resource Group for Hub networks" }}resource "azurerm_virtual_network" "hub_vnet" {  name                = local.hub_vnet_name  location            = azurerm_resource_group.rg_hub_networks.location  resource_group_name =  address_space       = [var.hub_vnet_address_space]}resource "azurerm_subnet" "azure_firewall_subnet" {  name                 = "AzureFirewallSubnet"  resource_group_name  =  virtual_network_name =  address_prefixes     = [var.azure_firewall_address_space]  service_endpoints    = ["Microsoft.KeyVault"]}resource "azurerm_public_ip" "hub_pip" {  name                    = local.pip_name  location                = azurerm_resource_group.rg_hub_networks.location  resource_group_name     =  allocation_method       = "Static"  sku                     = "Standard"  zones                   = ["1", "2", "3"]  idle_timeout_in_minutes = 4}

The configuration above will create a Hub Network with a subnet for the Azure Firewall through which outbound traffic will be routed.

Edit and add the following content:

variable "resource_group_location" {  description = "The location of the resource group"}variable "hub_vnet_address_space" {  description = "The address space for the hub virtual network."  default     = ""}variable "azure_firewall_address_space" {  description = "The address space for the Azure Firewall subnet."  default     = ""}variable "cluster_nodes_address_space" {  description = "The address space for the cluster nodes."}

Edit and add the following content:

output "hub_vnet_id" {  value =}output "hub_vnet_name" {  value =}output "hub_fw_private_ip" {  value = azurerm_firewall.azure_firewall.ip_configuration.0.private_ip_address}output "hub_rg_name" {  value =}output "hub_pip" {  value = azurerm_public_ip.hub_pip.ip_address}

Edit and add the following content:

resource "azurerm_firewall" "azure_firewall" {  name                = local.hub_fw_name  location            = azurerm_resource_group.rg_hub_networks.location  resource_group_name =  sku_name            = "AZFW_VNet"  sku_tier            = "Standard"   zones               = ["1", "2", "3"]  dns_proxy_enabled   = true   ip_configuration {    name                 = local.pip_name    subnet_id            =    public_ip_address_id =  }}

The firewall requires a set of network and application rules for allowing outgoing traffic from the cluster. Edit and add the following content:

resource "azurerm_ip_group" "aks_ip_group" {  name                = "aks_ip_group"  location            = azurerm_resource_group.rg_hub_networks.location  resource_group_name =  cidrs               = [var.cluster_nodes_address_space]}resource "azurerm_firewall_network_rule_collection" "org_wide_allow" {  name                = "org-wide-allowed"  azure_firewall_name =  resource_group_name =  priority            = 100  action              = "Allow"  rule {    name                  = "dns"    source_addresses      = ["*"]    protocols             = ["UDP"]    destination_ports     = ["53"]    destination_addresses = ["*"]  }  rule {    name                  = "ntp"    description           = "Network Time Protocol (NTP) time synchronization"    source_addresses      = ["*"]    protocols             = ["UDP"]    destination_ports     = ["123"]    destination_addresses = ["*"]  }}resource "azurerm_firewall_network_rule_collection" "aks_global_allow" {  name                = "aks-global-requirements"  azure_firewall_name =  resource_group_name =  priority            = 200  action              = "Allow"  rule {    name                  = "tunnel-front-pod-tcp"    source_ip_groups      = []    protocols             = ["TCP"]    destination_ports     = ["22", "9000"]    destination_addresses = ["AzureCloud"]  }  rule {    name                  = "tunnel-front-pod-udp"    source_ip_groups      = []    protocols             = ["UDP"]    destination_ports     = ["1194", "123"]    destination_addresses = ["AzureCloud"]  }  rule {    name                  = "managed-k8s-api-tcp-443"    source_ip_groups      = []    protocols             = ["TCP"]    destination_ports     = ["443"]    destination_addresses = ["AzureCloud"]  }  rule {    name              = "docker"    source_ip_groups  = []    protocols         = ["TCP"]    destination_ports = ["443"]    destination_fqdns = ["", "", ""]  }  depends_on = [azurerm_firewall_network_rule_collection.org_wide_allow]}resource "azurerm_firewall_application_rule_collection" "aks_global_allow" {  name                = "aks-global-requirements"  azure_firewall_name =  resource_group_name =  priority            = 200  action              = "Allow"  rule {    name             = "nodes-to-api-server"    source_ip_groups = []    target_fqdns     = ["*.hcp.${azurerm_resource_group.rg_hub_networks.location}", "*.tun.${azurerm_resource_group.rg_hub_networks.location}"]    protocol {      port = "443"      type = "Https"    }  }  rule {    name             = "microsoft-container-registry"    source_ip_groups = []    target_fqdns     = ["*", "", "*"]    protocol {      port = "443"      type = "Https"    }  }  rule {    name             = "management-plane"    source_ip_groups = []    target_fqdns     = [""]    protocol {      port = "443"      type = "Https"    }  }  rule {    name             = "aad-auth"    source_ip_groups = []    target_fqdns     = [""]    protocol {      port = "443"      type = "Https"    }  }  rule {    name             = "apt-get"    source_ip_groups = []    target_fqdns     = [""]    protocol {      port = "443"      type = "Https"    }  }  rule {    name             = "cluster-binaries"    source_ip_groups = []    target_fqdns     = [""]    protocol {      port = "443"      type = "Https"    }  }  rule {    name             = "ubuntu-security-patches"    source_ip_groups = []    target_fqdns     = ["", "", ""]    protocol {      port = "80"      type = "Http"    }  }  rule {    name             = "azure-monitor"    source_ip_groups = []    target_fqdns = [      "",      "*",      "*",      "*",      "*"    ]    protocol {      port = "443"      type = "Https"    }  }  rule {    name             = "azure-policy"    source_ip_groups = []    target_fqdns = [      "",      "",      "",      "",      ""    ]    protocol {      port = "443"      type = "Https"    }  }  rule {    name             = "azure-kubernetes-service"    source_ip_groups = []    fqdn_tags        = ["AzureKubernetesService"]  }  rule {    name             = "auth0"    source_ip_groups = []    target_fqdns     = ["*"]    protocol {      port = "443"      type = "Https"    }  }  depends_on = [azurerm_firewall_network_rule_collection.aks_global_allow]}

NOTE: According to the Azure Firewall documentation, network-level FQDN filtering is not supported in the basic firewall version and is required to allow cluster outgoing connections to Docker. The firewall version standard was selected for the example, using the sku_tier argument of the azurerm_firewall resource.

Configure a Spoke Network and Azure Application Gateway

Create a module for the spoke network configuration:

cd modulesmkdir spoke_networkcd spoke_networktouch main.tftouch outputs.tftouch variables.tftouch gateway.tftouch

Edit and add the following content:

locals {  spoke_vnet_name = "vnet-${var.resource_group_location}-spoke"  spoke_rg_name   = "rg-spokes-${var.resource_group_location}"  pip_name        = "pip-${var.application_id}-00"}resource "azurerm_resource_group" "rg_spoke_networks" {  name     = local.spoke_rg_name  location = var.resource_group_location  tags = {    displayName = "Resource Group for Spoke networks"  }}resource "azurerm_virtual_network" "spoke_vnet" {  name                = local.spoke_vnet_name  location            = azurerm_resource_group.rg_spoke_networks.location  resource_group_name =  address_space       = [var.spoke_vnet_address_space]}resource "azurerm_subnet" "cluster_nodes_subnet" {  name                 = "snet-clusternodes"  resource_group_name  =  virtual_network_name =  address_prefixes     = [var.cluster_nodes_address_space]}resource "azurerm_route_table" "spoke_route_table" {  name                = "route-spoke-to-hub"  location            = azurerm_resource_group.rg_spoke_networks.location  resource_group_name =  route {    name                   = "r-nexthop-to-fw"    address_prefix         = ""    next_hop_type          = "VirtualAppliance"    next_hop_in_ip_address = var.hub_fw_private_ip  }  route {    name           = "r-internet"    address_prefix = "${var.hub_fw_public_ip}/32"    next_hop_type  = "Internet"  }}resource "azurerm_subnet_route_table_association" "cluster_nodes_route_table" {  subnet_id      =  route_table_id =}resource "azurerm_subnet" "application_gateways_subnet" {  name                 = "snet-application-gateways"  resource_group_name  =  virtual_network_name =  address_prefixes     = [var.application_gateways_address_space]}resource "azurerm_public_ip" "spoke_pip" {  name                    = local.pip_name  location                = azurerm_resource_group.rg_spoke_networks.location  resource_group_name     =  allocation_method       = "Static"  sku                     = "Standard"  zones                   = ["1", "2", "3"]  idle_timeout_in_minutes = 4}

The configuration above will create a Spoke Network. The network peerings between the hub and spoke networks, as well as the Azure application gateway, will be created in separate .tf files.

Edit and add the following content:

output "cluster_nodes_subnet_id" {  value =}output "spoke_pip" {  value = azurerm_public_ip.spoke_pip.ip_address}output "spoke_pip_id" {  value =}output "spoke_rg_name" {  value =}output "spoke_rg_location" {  value = azurerm_resource_group.rg_spoke_networks.location}output "spoke_rg_id" {  value =}output "application_gateway_id" {  value =}

Edit and add the following content:

variable "resource_group_location" {  description = "The location of the spoke resource group."}variable "hub_fw_private_ip" {  description = "The private IP address of the hub firewall."}variable "hub_fw_public_ip" {  description = "The public IP address of the hub firewall."}variable "application_id" {  description = "The identifier for the application."}variable "spoke_vnet_address_space" {  description = "The address space for the spoke virtual network."  default     = ""}variable "cluster_nodes_address_space" {  description = "The address space for the cluster nodes."  default     = ""}variable "application_gateways_address_space" {  description = "The address space for the application gateways."  default     = ""}variable "hub_vnet_id" {  description = "The ID of the hub virtual network."}variable "hub_vnet_name" {  description = "The name of the hub virtual network."}variable "hub_rg_name" {  description = "The name of the hub resource group."}variable "host_name" {  description = "The host name"}

Edit and add the following content:

resource "azurerm_virtual_network_peering" "spoke_to_hub_peer" {  name                      = "spoke-to-hub"  resource_group_name       =  virtual_network_name      =  remote_virtual_network_id = var.hub_vnet_id  allow_forwarded_traffic   = true  depends_on = [ var.hub_vnet_id, azurerm_virtual_network.spoke_vnet ]}resource "azurerm_virtual_network_peering" "hub_to_spoke_peer" {  name                      = "hub-to-spoke"  resource_group_name       = var.hub_rg_name  virtual_network_name      = var.hub_vnet_name  remote_virtual_network_id =  depends_on = [ var.hub_vnet_id, azurerm_virtual_network.spoke_vnet ]}resource "azurerm_private_dns_zone" "dns_zone_acr" {  name                = ""  resource_group_name =}resource "azurerm_private_dns_zone_virtual_network_link" "acr_network_link" {  name                  = "dns-link-acr"  resource_group_name   =  private_dns_zone_name =  virtual_network_id    =}

Edit and add the following content:

locals {  backend_address_pool_name      = "app-gateway-beap"  frontend_port_name             = "app-gateway-feport"  frontend_ip_configuration_name = "app-gateway-feip"  http_setting_name              = "app-gateway-be-htst"  listener_name                  = "app-gateway-httplstn"  request_routing_rule_name      = "app-gateway-rqrt"  redirect_configuration_name    = "app-gateway-rdrcfg"}resource "azurerm_application_gateway" "gateway" {  name                = "app-gateway"  location            = azurerm_resource_group.rg_spoke_networks.location  resource_group_name =  zones               = ["1", "2", "3"]  sku {    name     = "WAF_v2"    tier     = "WAF_v2"    capacity = 2  }  gateway_ip_configuration {    name      = "gateway-ip-configuration"    subnet_id =  }  frontend_port {    name = local.frontend_port_name    port = 80  }  frontend_ip_configuration {    name                 = local.frontend_ip_configuration_name    public_ip_address_id =  }  waf_configuration {    enabled          = true    firewall_mode    = "Prevention"    rule_set_type    = "OWASP"    rule_set_version = "3.0"  }  backend_address_pool {    name = local.backend_address_pool_name  }  backend_http_settings {    name                                = local.http_setting_name    cookie_based_affinity               = "Disabled"    port                                = 80    protocol                            = "Http"    pick_host_name_from_backend_address = true    request_timeout                     = 60  }  http_listener {    name                           = local.listener_name    frontend_ip_configuration_name = local.frontend_ip_configuration_name    frontend_port_name             = local.frontend_port_name    protocol                       = "Http"    host_name                      = var.host_name  }  request_routing_rule {    name                       = local.request_routing_rule_name    priority                   = 1    rule_type                  = "Basic"    http_listener_name         = local.listener_name    backend_address_pool_name  = local.backend_address_pool_name    backend_http_settings_name = local.http_setting_name  }}

Configure an Azure Kubernetes Cluster

Create a module for the Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) configuration:

cd modulesmkdir clustercd clustertouch providers.tftouch main.tftouch outputs.tftouch variables.tftouch

Edit and add the following content:

terraform {  required_version = ">=1.8"  required_providers {    azapi = {      source  = "azure/azapi"      version = "~>1.5"    }  }}

Edit and add the following content:

resource "random_pet" "azurerm_kubernetes_cluster_name" {  prefix = "cluster"}resource "azurerm_user_assigned_identity" "cluster_control_plane_identity" {  location            = var.resource_group_location  name                = "${}-controlplane"  resource_group_name = var.resource_group_name}resource "azurerm_kubernetes_cluster" "k8s" {  location                  = var.resource_group_location  name                      =  resource_group_name       = var.resource_group_name  dns_prefix                =  oidc_issuer_enabled       = true  workload_identity_enabled = true  tags = {    displayName = "Kubernetes Cluster"  }  identity {    type = "UserAssigned"    identity_ids = [ ]  }  default_node_pool {    name           = "agentpool"    vm_size        = var.vm_size    node_count     = var.node_count    zones          = ["1", "2", "3"]    vnet_subnet_id = var.vnet_subnet_id  }  network_profile {    network_plugin = "azure"    network_policy = "azure"    outbound_type  = "userDefinedRouting"  }  ingress_application_gateway {    gateway_id = var.application_gateway_id  }}

Edit and add the following content:

output "kubernetes_cluster_name" {  value =}output "kube_config" {  value     = azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.k8s.kube_config_raw  sensitive = true}

Edit and add the following content:

variable "resource_group_location" {  description = "The location of the resource group"}variable "resource_group_name" {  description = "The name of the resource group"}variable "resource_group_id" {  description = "The id of the resource group"}variable "username" {  type        = string  description = "The admin username for the new cluster."  default     = "azureadmin"}variable "node_count" {  type        = number  description = "The initial quantity of nodes for the node pool."  default     = 4}variable "vnet_subnet_id" {  description = "The id of the subnet"}variable "application_gateway_id" {  description = "The id of the application gateway"}variable "vm_size" {  type        = string  description = "The size of the Virtual Machine."  default     = "Standard_B2s_v2"}variable "spoke_pip_id" {  description = "The id of the spoke public IP"}

Edit and add the following content:

resource "azurerm_role_assignment" "cluster_nodepool_role_assignment" {  scope                = azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.k8s.node_resource_group_id  role_definition_name = "Virtual Machine Contributor"  principal_id         = azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.k8s.kubelet_identity[0].object_id}resource "azurerm_role_assignment" "cluster_vnet_role_assignment" {  scope                = var.vnet_subnet_id  role_definition_name = "Network Contributor"  principal_id         = azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.k8s.kubelet_identity[0].object_id}resource "azurerm_role_assignment" "control_plane_vnet_role_assignment" {  scope                = var.vnet_subnet_id  role_definition_name = "Network Contributor"  principal_id         = azurerm_user_assigned_identity.cluster_control_plane_identity.principal_id}resource "azurerm_role_assignment" "control_plane_pip_role_assignment" {  scope                = var.spoke_pip_id  role_definition_name = "Network Contributor"  principal_id         = azurerm_user_assigned_identity.cluster_control_plane_identity.principal_id}resource "azurerm_role_assignment" "ingress_vnet_role_assignment" {  scope                = var.vnet_subnet_id  role_definition_name = "Network Contributor"  principal_id         = azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.k8s.ingress_application_gateway[0].ingress_application_gateway_identity[0].object_id}resource "azurerm_role_assignment" "ingress_pip_role_assignment" {  scope                = var.spoke_pip_id  role_definition_name = "Network Contributor"  principal_id         = azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.k8s.ingress_application_gateway[0].ingress_application_gateway_identity[0].object_id}resource "azurerm_role_assignment" "ingress_app_gateway_role_assignment" {  scope                = var.application_gateway_id  role_definition_name = "Contributor"  principal_id         = azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.k8s.ingress_application_gateway[0].ingress_application_gateway_identity[0].object_id}resource "azurerm_role_assignment" "ingress_rg_role_assignment" {  scope                = var.resource_group_id  role_definition_name = "Contributor"  principal_id         = azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.k8s.ingress_application_gateway[0].ingress_application_gateway_identity[0].object_id}

Add the Terraform Module Configurations

Add references to the modules in the main configuration file terraform/, setting the following content:

resource "azurerm_resource_group" "rg_ecommerce" {  name     = "rg-ecommerce-${var.resource_group_location}"  location = var.resource_group_location  tags = {    displayName = "Resource Group for general purpose"  }}module "hub_network" {  source                      = "./modules/hub_network"  resource_group_location     = azurerm_resource_group.rg_ecommerce.location  cluster_nodes_address_space = var.cluster_nodes_address_space}module "spoke_network" {  source                      = "./modules/spoke_network"  resource_group_location     = azurerm_resource_group.rg_ecommerce.location  application_id              = var.application_id  host_name                   = var.host_name  cluster_nodes_address_space = var.cluster_nodes_address_space  hub_fw_private_ip           = module.hub_network.hub_fw_private_ip  hub_fw_public_ip            = module.hub_network.hub_pip  hub_vnet_id                 = module.hub_network.hub_vnet_id  hub_vnet_name               = module.hub_network.hub_vnet_name  hub_rg_name                 = module.hub_network.hub_rg_name  depends_on = [ module.hub_network ]}module "cluster" {  source = "./modules/cluster"  resource_group_location = module.spoke_network.spoke_rg_location  resource_group_name     = module.spoke_network.spoke_rg_name  resource_group_id       = module.spoke_network.spoke_rg_id  vnet_subnet_id          = module.spoke_network.cluster_nodes_subnet_id  application_gateway_id  = module.spoke_network.application_gateway_id  spoke_pip_id            = module.spoke_network.spoke_pip_id  depends_on = [ module.spoke_network, module.hub_network ]}

Edit terraform/ and add the following contents:

output "resource_group_name" {  value =}output "kube_config" {  value     = module.cluster.kube_config  sensitive = true}output "kubernetes_cluster_name" {  value = module.cluster.kubernetes_cluster_name}output "spoke_pip" {  value = module.spoke_network.spoke_pip}

Edit terraform/ and add the following variables:

variable "resource_group_location" {  description = "The location of the resource group"  default     = "eastus2"}variable "application_id" {  description = "The application id"  default     = "jhipster-microservices"}variable "cluster_nodes_address_space" {  description = "The address space for the cluster nodes."  default     = ""}variable "host_name" {  description = "The host name"  default     = ""}

Provision the cluster

In this example, multiple resources have availability zones requirements. The default region in resource_group_location is eastus2. You can choose a different region, but make sure it has availability zones support.

With the Terraform configuration ready, ensure the Azure CLI has an active subscription with the following line:

az account list

IMPORTANT NOTE: For this demo, the selected VM size is Standard_B2s_v2, and the deployed architecture requires a minimum node count of 4. The architecture will not run under the Azure free account; you need to upgrade to at least a basic plan of the pay-as-you-go subscription, so please don’t forget to delete the architecture after the test to avoid unwanted costs.

Register required resource providers. It may take a few minutes to complete. You can refer the Azure CLI docs for more details.

az provider register --namespace Microsoft.Quota

Verify you have the available cores quota for the minimum node count of 4 (8 cores):

Note: <account-id> is the id field from the az account list command output.

az quota show --resource-name standardBsv2Family --scope /subscriptions/<account-id>/providers/Microsoft.Compute/locations/eastus2

QUOTA REQUESTS: If the properties.limit.value in the output is not 8, you have to request an increase in quota. Go to the Azure portal and filter by the region and then find Standard Bsv2 Family vCPUs using the search field. Open the entry and click the New Quota Request button. Enter 8 as the new limit and submit. While writing this post, I noticed that quota requests were denied in some regions without reason. An alternate region was suggested by the support team, and the quota request was successful.

Terraform team recommends authenticating the Azure Provider using the Azure CLI when running Terraform locally. You should be logged in using the previous steps. Next, initialize the Terraform workspace and plan the changes:

cd terraformterraform initterraform plan -out main.tfplan

Review the plan and make sure everything is correct. Then apply changes:

terraform apply main.tfplan

Once the AKS cluster is ready, you will see the output variables printed to the console:

Apply complete! Resources: 35 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.Outputs:kube_config = <sensitive>kubernetes_cluster_name = "cluster-helping-terrier"resource_group_name = "rg-ecommerce-eastus2"spoke_pip = ""

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you encounter an error Error: creating Kubernetes Cluster that has the error code SkuNotAvailable, it means that the selected VM size is not available in the selected region.Run az vm list-skus --size Standard_B2s_v2 --all --output table to see all regions’ availability and choose a region that has Restrictions: None.Repeat the quota request process for that region.Run terraform destroy to delete the current state, and once it’s complete, update the resource_group_location variable in terraform/ and re-run the terraform apply command.

For kubectl commands, run the following Azure CLI option for retrieving the cluster credentials:

az aks get-credentials --resource-group rg-spokes-<resource_group_location> --name <kubernetes_cluster_name> --admin

Then check the cluster details with kdash or kubectl get nodes.

AME                                STATUS   ROLES    AGE     VERSIONaks-agentpool-71839675-vmss000000   Ready    <none>   4m58s   v1.29.7aks-agentpool-71839675-vmss000002   Ready    <none>   4m27s   v1.29.7aks-agentpool-71839675-vmss000003   Ready    <none>   4m31s   v1.29.7aks-agentpool-71839675-vmss000004   Ready    <none>   3m43s   v1.29.7

Set up OIDC Authentication Using Auth0

Since you are using Terraform, you can set up the Auth0 application using the Auth0 Terraform provider. This will allow you to automate the setup of the Auth0 application and manage the addition of users, customizations, and such.

Find your Auth0 domain with the following Auth0 CLI command:

auth0 tenants list

Create a machine-to-machine Auth0 client for Terraform to identify at Auth0:

auth0 apps create \  --name "Auth0 Terraform Provider" \  --description "Auth0 Terraform Provider M2M" \  --type m2m \  --reveal-secrets

Set the clientId and clientSecret as environment variables, as required by Terraform Auth0 provider:

export AUTH0_CLIENT_ID=<client-id>export AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET=<client-secret>

Find out the Auth0 Management API id and identifier:

auth0 apis list

Set the id and identifier as environment variables:

export AUTH0_MANAGEMENT_API_ID=<auth0-management-api-id>export AUTH0_MANAGEMENT_API_IDENTIFIER=<auth0-management-api-identifier>

Then, retrieve all the scopes of the Auth0 Management API:

export AUTH0_MANAGEMENT_API_SCOPES=$(auth0 apis scopes list $AUTH0_MANAGEMENT_API_ID --json | jq -r '.[].value' | jq -ncR '[inputs]')

Finally, grant all the scopes to the newly created clientId:

auth0 api post "client-grants" --data='{"client_id": "'$AUTH0_CLIENT_ID'", "audience": "'$AUTH0_MANAGEMENT_API_IDENTIFIER'", "scope":'$AUTH0_MANAGEMENT_API_SCOPES'}'

Edit terraform/ and add the Auth0 provider:

terraform {  required_version = ">=1.8"  required_providers {    ...    auth0 = {      source  = "auth0/auth0"      version = "~> 0.49.0"    }    ...  }}

Create a configuration file for the Auth0 resources:

cd terraformtouch

Edit and add the following content:

provider "auth0" {  domain        = "https://<your-auth0-domain>"  debug         = false}resource "auth0_client" "java_ms_client" {  name                = "JavaMicroservices"  description         = "Java Microservices Client Created Through Terraform"  app_type            = "regular_web"  callbacks           = [""]  allowed_logout_urls = [""]  oidc_conformant     = true  jwt_configuration {    alg = "RS256"  }}resource "auth0_client_credentials" "java_ms_client_creds" {  client_id =  authentication_method = "client_secret_post"}resource "auth0_role" "admin" {  name        = "ROLE_ADMIN"  description = "Administrator"}resource "auth0_role" "user" {  name        = "ROLE_USER"  description = "User"}resource "auth0_action" "jhipster_action" {  name    = "jhipster_roles_claim"  runtime = "node18"  deploy  = true  code    = <<-EOT  /**   * Handler that will be called during the execution of a PostLogin flow.   *   * @param {Event} event - Details about the user and the context in which they are logging in.   * @param {PostLoginAPI} api - Interface whose methods can be used to change the behavior of the login.   */   exports.onExecutePostLogin = async (event, api) => {     const namespace = '';     if (event.authorization) {       api.idToken.setCustomClaim('preferred_username',;       api.idToken.setCustomClaim(namespace + '/roles', event.authorization.roles);       api.accessToken.setCustomClaim(namespace + '/roles', event.authorization.roles);     }   };  EOT  supported_triggers {    id      = "post-login"    version = "v3"  }}resource "auth0_trigger_actions" "login_flow" {  trigger = "post-login"  actions {    id           =    display_name =  }}resource "auth0_user" "test_user" {  connection_name = "Username-Password-Authentication"  name            = "Jane Doe"  email           = ""  email_verified  = true    password        = "passpass$12$12"  lifecycle {    ignore_changes = [roles]  }}resource "auth0_user_roles" "test_user_roles" {  user_id =  roles   = [,]}output "auth0_webapp_client_id" {  description = "Auth0 JavaMicroservices Client ID"  value       = auth0_client.java_ms_client.client_id}output "auth0_webapp_client_secret" {  description = "Auth0 JavaMicroservices Client Secret"  value       = auth0_client_credentials.java_ms_client_creds.client_secret  sensitive   = true}

Replace <your-auth0-domain> in the provider configuration. Now, you can run the Terraform script to create the Auth0 application. Run the following commands to initialize the script and apply it.

terraform initterraform apply

Get the client-id and client-secret with:

terraform output auth0_webapp_client_secretterraform output auth0_webapp_client_id

Update kubernetes/registry-k8s/application-configmap.yml to replace <your-auth0-domain>, <client-id>, and <client-secret> with these values. This configuration is loaded into Consul, and it shares the values with the gateway and microservices.

apiVersion: v1kind: ConfigMapmetadata:  name: application-config  namespace: jhipsterdata:  application.yml: |-    configserver:      name: Consul      status: Connected to Consul running in Kubernetes    logging:      level:        ROOT: INFO    jhipster:      security:        authentication:          jwt:            base64-secret: NTY5NTUyYzUzZDFlNjBkNjMzNDNkZWQzNDk0ZjAwOTQzZTU2ZTMyOTgxYTI3ZTZjYWViNjEzMmM3MGQ5MDNlY2YwYjY2MDc0ZDNlZWM1ZTY3ZDllNDE4NDlhY2M2YmViY2E3Mg==        oauth2:          audience:            - https://<your-auth0-domain>/api/v2/    spring:      security:        oauth2:          client:            provider:              oidc:                issuer-uri: https://<your-auth0-domain>/            registration:              oidc:                client-id: <client-id>                client-secret: <client-secret>

Deploy the Microservices Stack

Before the actual deployment, some more configuration changes are required to make the inbound traffic to the store service go through the Azure Application Gateway Ingress Controller (AGIC) enabled in the cluster. Also, you need to build and push the Docker images to the Docker container registry.

Configure Azure AGIC

In the kubernetes/store-k8s folder, edit the file store-service.yml and set the following content:

apiVersion: v1kind: Servicemetadata:  name: store  namespace: jhipster  labels:    app: storespec:  selector:    app: store  ports:    - name: http      port: 8080

Also, create a file kubernetes/store-k8s/store-ingress.yml and set the following content:

apiVersion: Ingressmetadata:  name: store-ingress  namespace: jhipsterspec:  ingressClassName: azure-application-gateway  rules:    - http:        paths:          - path: /            backend:              service:                name: store                port:                  number: 8080            pathType: Exact

IMPORTANT NOTE: This tutorial does not cover securing secrets, and the Azure recommended microservices architecture uses the Azure Key Vault for secrets storage and management.

Build the Docker images

You need to build Docker images for each app. This is specific to the JHipster application used in this tutorial, which uses Jib to build the images. Make sure you are logged into Docker using docker login. Navigate to each app folder (store, invoice, product) and run the following command:

./gradlew bootJar -Pprod jib<docker-repo-uri-or-name>/<image-name>

Note: <image-name> would be store, invoice, and product.

Deploy the microservices to AKS

Once the images are pushed to the Docker registry, we can deploy the stack using the handy script provided by JHipster. Navigate to the kubernetes folder created by JHipster and run the following command.

cd kubernetes./ -f

With kdash, check the pods status in the jhipster namespace:

Pod status with KDash

As the Azure Application Gateway requires the inbound traffic to be for the host, you can test the store service by adding an entry in your /etc/hosts file that maps to the gateway public IP. Get the public IP of the Azure Application Gateway with:

cd terraformterraform output spoke_pip

Edit the /etc/hosts file and add the following line:


Then navigate to and sign in at Auth0 with the test user/password$12$12. The authentication flow will redirect back to the application home:

Store application home

Tear down the Cluster with Terraform

Once you finish verifying the deployment, don’t forget to remove all resources to avoid unwanted costs. You can first delete the deployment with the following:

kubectl delete namespace jhipster

And then, delete the architecture with:

terraform destroy -auto-approve

Learn More about Java Microservices, Kubernetes and Jhipster

In this post, you learned about JHipster microservices deployment to Azure Kubernetes Service using Terraform for provisioning a hub-spoke network architecture and an Auth0 client application for authentication and authorization. You can find the code shown in this tutorial on GitHub. If you’d rather skip the step-by-step Terraform configuration and prefer jumping straight into the deployment, follow the README instructions in the same repository. Be aware that some important and interesting features were not included in this example, like cluster auto-scaling, monitoring, cluster access security, and workload-managed identities.

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