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AI 应用程序:向量库还是向量数据库更优?_AI阅读总结 — 包阅AI



关键词:AI 应用、向量库、向量数据库、性能、可扩展性


总结:本文探讨了在构建 AI 应用时,选择向量库还是向量数据库的问题。介绍了向量嵌入的概念及重要性,对比了两者的特点、优缺点和适用场景,还提到了混合使用的优势。



– 选择向量库还是向量数据库是构建 AI 应用的关键决策

– 向量嵌入的概念及在 AI 应用中的作用

– 如语义搜索、推荐系统等

– 向量库的特点

– 适合相似性搜索和聚类,便于构建原型和小规模系统

– 提供多种搜索算法

– 但存在局限性,如缺乏管理支持、应对大规模数据和更新挑战等

– 向量数据库的特点

– 专为大规模生产设计,提供可扩展性和一系列内置功能

– 适合处理大量数据和动态环境

– 对比向量库和向量数据库

– 操作抽象程度不同

– 选择的考虑因素

– 性能与可扩展性

– 混合使用的情况和优势

– 如在图像搜索应用中的应用

– 不同场景下的最优选择

– 向量库适用于原型和小规模应用

– 向量数据库适用于大规模动态环境

– 混合使用结合两者优点




作者:Denis Kuria

发布时间:2024/8/12 17:33





标签:AI 应用程序,向量数据库,向量库,数据管理,可扩展性


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When building AI-powered applications, you may find yourself grappling with a crucial decision: Should you use a vector library or a vector database for your project? Both technologies play vital roles in managing and querying vector data, but they have distinct characteristics that significantly affect your application’s performance, scalability and overall success.

This guide will dive into vector libraries and vector databases, exploring their strengths, weaknesses and ideal use cases.

Before we jump in, though, it’s essential to grasp the concept of vector embeddings and their importance in AI applications.

Understanding Vector Embeddings

Vector embeddings are numerical representations of unstructured data types such as text, images or audio. They capture the semantic meaning or features of the original data in a format that computers can easily process. For example, a word or phrase might be represented as a vector of several hundred floating-point numbers, each capturing some aspect of its meaning. Learn more about vector embeddings and how they work in this tutorial.

The ability to work with vector embeddings is crucial for many AI applications, including:

  • Semantic search: Finding relevant results based on meaning rather than just keyword matching.
  • Recommendation systems: Suggesting similar items or content based on user preferences.
  • Anomaly detection: Identifying unusual patterns or outliers in data.
  • Image and audio processing: Analyzing and categorizing visual or auditory content.
  • Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG): Enhances large language models by selectively retrieving relevant data from vast knowledge bases, overcoming the models’ context window limitations and enabling more accurate responses.

As you develop AI applications that use vector embeddings, you’ll need a way to store, manage and query these high-dimensional representations. This is where vector libraries and vector databases come into play.

Vector Libraries: Efficient Tools for Similarity Search

Vector libraries are designed for high-performance similarity searches and clustering of dense vectors. They are valuable for quickly building prototypes and small-scale systems due to their lightweight nature and ease of integration into existing applications. They provide efficient algorithms for approximate nearest neighbor (ANN) searches, which are essential for handling high-dimensional vector data. Some of the types of vector search algorithms include:

  • Hash-based indexing: Uses techniques like locality-sensitive hashing (LSH) to group similar vectors.
  • Tree-based indexing: Employs structures such as k-d trees or binary trees (such as ANNOY) to partition vector space.
  • Cluster-based indexing: Implements methods like product quantization to cluster similar vectors and reduce dimensionality.
  • Graph-based indexing: Constructs graphs like hierarchical navigable small world (HNSW) or Cuda Anns GRAph-based (CAGRA) where nodes represent vectors and edges represent their similarities, allowing efficient traversal for nearest-neighbor searches.

Despite the ease of use and integration into existing applications, vector libraries have their limitations.

Limitations of Vector Libraries

Vector libraries are not designed as managed solutions, meaning they lack built-in support for data modifications, scalability and handling large-scale production workloads. Integrating these libraries into larger systems can be challenging, especially when dealing with frequent data updates or large datasets.

Additionally, they often require manual effort to manage indices and optimize performance. Vector databases come into play to mitigate most of these limitations.

Vector Databases: Optimized for Large-Scale Production

Vector databases are specialized systems designed to store, index and query vector data efficiently, making them ideal for large-scale production applications. These databases provide scalability, allowing for the handling of millions or billions of vectors with real-time responses. They offer a range of built-in features for data management, query optimization and integration, which simplifies development and ensures robust performance.

For example, Milvus, the open source vector database hosted by the Linux Foundation’s LF Data & AI and maintained by Zilliz, can easily handle billions of vectors. Let’s see why vector databases are often preferred during production.

Key Features Making Vector Databases Suitable for Production

Vector databases offer several key features that make them suitable for production environments:

  • Scalability: Built to handle large volumes of high-dimensional data, enabling horizontal scaling across multiple machines as data grows.
  • Integrated data management: Provides built-in tools for data management, querying and result retrieval, simplifying integration and accelerating development time.
  • Production workloads: Capable of handling constant data changes via upserts and deletes, with automatic index updates to maintain query performance.
  • Cloud nativity and multitenancy: Offers cloud native deployment options and multitenancy support, which are crucial for handling growing datasets and user bases.

Comparison With Vector Libraries

Vector databases operate at a higher abstraction level than vector libraries. While vector libraries are components meant to be integrated into applications, vector databases are full-fledged services that manage the entire life cycle of vector data.

For instance, inserting new data into a vector database involves straightforward commands that automatically update indices, whereas vector libraries often require manually recreating indices to accommodate new data. This difference makes vector databases more suitable for large-scale, dynamic environments.

Does this mean vector databases are suitable in all cases? The simple answer is no.

Choosing the Right Tool: Performance vs. Scalability

When deciding between vector libraries and vector databases, it’s crucial to consider both performance and scalability requirements. Here is a comparison to help you make an informed decision:

Although you can choose the tool that best serves your use case, sometimes combining a vector database and a vector library to come up with a hybrid approach during AI application development can be the best solution.

Hybrid Approach: Combining the Best of Both Worlds

In some scenarios, a hybrid approach using a combination of vector libraries and vector databases may be optimal. This approach can combine the high performance and flexibility of vector libraries with the scalability and robustness of vector databases.

For instance, you can use vector libraries for initial data processing and prototyping and transition to vector databases for large-scale production deployments. Let’s look at an example of creating an image search application.

Initial Development with FAISS: You can start by using FAISS to create and test various similarity search algorithms. In this case, you use a small dataset to prototype your model, iterating quickly and optimizing your approach.

Transition to Milvus: As the application prepares for launch, you transition to Milvus or it’s hosted version Zilliz Cloud. This involves migrating your indexed data and algorithms into Milvus, which now handles the extensive dataset and provides real-time search capabilities for millions of images.

This approach allows you to harness the strengths of both vector libraries and vector databases, ensuring high performance during development and robust scalability during production.

Let’s take a look at use cases when a vector database, library or hybrid approach might be suitable.

Optimal Use Cases

The choice of the optimal approach depends on the specific requirements and scale of your application. Here are some scenarios where each solution is optimal.

Vector Libraries: Ideal for Prototyping and Small-Scale Applications

  • Prototyping machine learning models: When developing a new recommendation algorithm for an e-commerce platform, you must experiment with different vector representations and similarity measures. Using a vector library like FAISS or ANNOY allows you to test and iterate on your algorithms quickly. You can efficiently handle your small dataset, perform rapid prototyping and optimize your approach without the overhead of a full database system.
  • Content-based image retrieval: If you are building a content-based image retrieval system for a niche social media app, you must create a feature allowing users to find visually similar images from a small gallery. Using a vector library to embed images into vectors and perform similarity searches provides a lightweight, easy-to-integrate solution. This allows for fast and accurate image retrieval without requiring extensive infrastructure.

Vector Databases: Essential for Large-Scale, Dynamic Environments

  • Real-time recommendation systems: For an online streaming service that needs to provide personalized content recommendations to millions of users in real time, handling a large volume of data, including continuous updates as users interact with the platform, is crucial. Leveraging a vector database allows you to store and manage a vast number of user and content vectors efficiently. The database’s real-time querying capabilities ensure that recommendations are updated instantly, enhancing user experience and engagement.
  • Anomaly detection in financial transactions: Detecting fraudulent transactions in real time is critical in the financial sector. You need a system capable of analyzing millions of transactions per second, identifying unusual patterns and flagging potential fraud. A vector database can handle the large-scale, dynamic data involved, providing the necessary performance and scalability to detect anomalies quickly and accurately, ensuring the security and integrity of financial operations.

Hybrid Approach: Combining the Best of Both Worlds

  • Incremental development and scaling: When developing an AI-powered application that starts small but is expected to scale, you can benefit from a hybrid approach. Begin with a vector library for quick development and prototyping. This allows you to test different algorithms and refine your model efficiently. As your application grows and the data volume increases, transition to a vector database. This ensures that you can handle larger datasets, provide real-time querying and maintain robust performance as the user demands scale.
  • Specialized applications with diverse requirements: A hybrid approach is optimal for applications requiring both rapid development and large-scale deployment, such as a personalized news aggregator. Use a vector library during the initial stages to quickly develop and test your recommendation algorithms. Once the application is ready for a broader audience, move to a vector database to manage the increasing user and content data volume. This approach provides the flexibility and efficiency needed during development while ensuring scalability and performance in production.


Choosing between vector libraries and vector databases hinges on your application’s specific needs. Vector libraries are ideal for rapid prototyping and small-scale tasks, offering high performance and ease of integration. In contrast, vector databases excel in large-scale, dynamic environments, providing robust data management, real-time querying and scalability.

A hybrid approach combining both technologies can often offer the best of both worlds, allowing for quick development and efficient scaling. By understanding these strengths and limitations, you can select the most suitable tool to ensure your AI-powered application’s success.


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