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如何学习 JavaScript:初学者的分步指南 | WebStorm 博客_AI阅读总结 — 包阅AI


1. `JavaScript`、`学习资源`、`初学者指南`、`在线平台`、`技术课程`

2. 本文是针对初学者的 JavaScript 学习指南,提到为就业做准备可创建类似工作中要维护的网站。还介绍了在线学习平台、免费资源、YouTube 教程、书籍以及特定技术课程等多种学习 JavaScript 的资源。


– 学习 JavaScript 为就业准备:可创建相关网站练习。

– 在线学习平台

– Hyperskill:提供 300 多个项目,教授编程及开发工具。

– Frontend Masters:有收费课程和免费的前端开发训练营。

– Codecademy:有互动练习和结构化课程,推荐前端工程师职业路径。

– Udemy:课程众多,推荐特定 JavaScript 课程。

– 免费在线资源

– 列举多种免费资源网站。

– 推荐哈佛大学 CS50 课程。

– YouTube 教程

– 介绍多个 JavaScript 入门教程。

– 书籍

– 推荐多本适合初学者的 JavaScript 书籍。

– 特定技术课程

– 如学习 React 的课程。




作者:David Watson

发布时间:2024/7/19 13:24







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Resources for learning JavaScript

There are thousands of resources available to teach you everything you need to know to become proficient with JavaScript. Unfortunately, we cannot cover them all. Nevertheless, below, we’ve prepared a list of some of our favorites, which we like mainly because they are some of the most complete and usually include some form of project-based practice. If you have any course recommendations of your own, please feel free to post them in the comments, along with your own review of what makes them so good.

Online platforms for learning JavaScript

Hyperskill – Paid

This hands-on platform offers over 300 real-world projects created by JetBrains Academy experts, allowing you to build your developer portfolio from scratch. You are introduced to the theory and then get the chance to put it into practice, all while being tested on your understanding of the concepts and receiving immediate feedback on your code.

One big benefit of the platform is that you learn not only programming but also how to use essential development tools like IDEs – must-know technologies for a career in development.

The path we would recommend to get you job-ready would be the following:

  1. Introduction to JavaScript
  2. Frontend Developer
  3. Introduction to Node.js
  4. Introduction to React or Introduction to Vue.js

Frontend Masters – Paid (free JavaScript bootcamp)

The Frontend Masters platform has hundreds of courses to take you through your learning journey, covering everything from the basics to very advanced technologies – and with a subscription, you get access to all of them. But for now, let’s focus on getting started with JavaScript. And to help you do exactly that, they have a really cool and totally free Front-End Development Bootcamp consisting of over 20 hours of enthralling content.

The path they recommend is their JavaScript learning path.

Codecademy – Paid (free JavaScript courses)

Codecademy offers interactive, hands-on coding exercises that guide you through writing code directly in the browser. The platform provides well-structured courses on a variety of web development topics, from HTML and CSS to JavaScript and full-stack development. The courses also include projects and quizzes to reinforce learning and help you apply what you’ve learned. There’s even a free introductory course for JavaScript to get you started.

The recommended path to get career-ready would be the Front-End Engineer career path.

Udemy – Paid
The Udemy platform hosts various courses from instructors worldwide on topics ranging from web design to data science. It enables instructors to create and sell courses while providing learners with access to thousands of courses.

JavaScript course recommendations on Udemy include:

  1. The Complete JavaScript Course 2024: From Zero to Expert! is highly recommended. You can come out of this course ready to develop JavaScript professionally. At over 68 hours long, it covers everything from the very fundamentals of using JavaScript right the way through to building modern applications. It has some nice examples, covers the theory, and walks you through making real projects of your own.
  2. The Modern JavaScript Bootcamp Course is a practical course that cuts through all the unnecessary noise, giving you just the facts – in plain and easy-to-understand terms. With this course, you won’t work with outdated frameworks, learn old styles of programming, or build boring apps. Instead, you’ll spend all your time writing practical code that can be used today and in the future on your own projects.
  3. The Complete Web Developer Course 3.0 is a comprehensive course that will take you from zero to competent in 20+ hours. It covers the full stack, including Python, meaning it doesn’t just focus on JavaScript. If you’re specifically looking for a course to help you become a web developer, this is one for you.

Free online resources for learning JavaScript

This free resource is packed with information. It isn’t technically a course but rather a collection of resources. It can provide all the knowledge you need to learn JavaScript. If you’re looking for a free option to help support your self-learning, this is an incredible resource.

This free resource offers a wide range of courses and is quite incredible. It has over 10,000 tutorials across several languages and technologies. They also have a nice introductory course for JavaScript, which is project-led.

This is a complete repository of everything from JavaScript basics to advanced topics, supported with detailed explanations. If you ever feel stuck understanding a concept, this is a great place to get unstuck. If you like reading, you can essentially teach yourself everything you need using this resource.

This platform provides access to hundreds of step-by-step tutorials, with lots of places to test your understanding and try the code yourself. It offers a simplified and interactive learning experience with simple code examples and illustrations of how to apply the concepts in real-world scenarios.

If you’re interested in computer science in general, a great introductory course is Harvard University’s CS50 course. CS50’s Web Programming with Python and JavaScript builds on this foundation with a focus on web programming specifically. Though neither are JavaScript-specific, they’re still very, very good courses that you can take for free. The assignments, in particular, can help you solidify your understanding and practice your coding.

JavaScript YouTube tutorials

There are lots of content creators on YouTube who have created introductory courses for JavaScript. Check out these great options:

If you’re looking for a quick crash course in JavaScript development, this is a great beginner tutorial that covers the essentials and gives you a good understanding of the core concepts of JavaScript development. Though it isn’t technically a full course, it’s great for getting started and familiarizing yourself with the language.

This crash course from Traversy Media is a great place to start. It covers the fundamentals of JavaScript, including more modern syntax like classes, arrow functions, etc. It’s the first in a series of videos and is easy to follow, helping you learn the basic syntax and fundamentals.

This series from Net Ninja consists of six video lessons on the fundamentals of modern JavaScript. Although it has been around for a while, it’s definitely worth checking out if you’re looking for a series that explains the basics.

JavaScript books for beginners

If you prefer to sit down with a book and dive into the details, you’re not alone. Books offer a lot of benefits for learners and usually allow for a deeper dig into the subject. Here’s a collection of books you can use to learn JavaScript programming:

Head First JavaScript Programming is designed to make learning JavaScript fun and accessible, even for anyone with little to no programming experience. One of its key strengths is its emphasis on active learning. Rather than simply reading about JavaScript, you’re encouraged to work through problems, think critically, and experiment with code. This hands-on approach helps to solidify understanding and improve retention. There are also plenty of practical examples and projects, ensuring that you can see how JavaScript is applied in real-world scenarios. Its unique approach to teaching makes it stand out among other programming books, ensuring that readers not only learn JavaScript but also enjoy the process.

JavaScript: The Definitive Guide covers the full spectrum of JavaScript, from basic syntax and programming fundamentals to advanced topics like closures, asynchronous programming, and the intricacies of the JavaScript runtime environment. Each chapter is meticulously crafted to provide clear explanations, backed by numerous examples and practical code snippets. What sets this book apart is its depth and precision. While it can serve as a beginner’s guide, its thoroughness, and complexity make it particularly well-suited for those looking to deepen their understanding and master the language.

Eloquent JavaScript is structured in a way that encourages you to actively engage with the content through exercises and projects, reinforcing their understanding through practical application. Its focus on both theoretical and practical aspects ensures that readers not only learn how to write JavaScript but also understand the underlying concepts, making it a valuable addition to any programmer’s library. This book is also available online for free!

This is a series of books that explores the core mechanisms and intricacies of JavaScript. Unlike many introductory programming books, this series is aimed at developers who want to go beyond the basics and gain a thorough understanding of the language. Each book tackles different aspects of JavaScript, from its foundational principles to more advanced topics. You can find a free version of the book in Kyle’s GitHub repository.

Technology-specific courses

Though most of the resources recommended here often do include introductions to JavaScript frameworks or the technologies you’ll need as a developer, here are some other resources that you may want to check out.

Learn React

This free course from the University of Helsinki will build on your knowledge and introduce you to modern JavaScript-based web development with React. It can help you build React, Redux, Node.js, MongoDB, GraphQL, and TypeScript knowledge.

If you enjoy a really interactive learning experience, then this might be perfect for you. It has video, quizzes, and a stunning UI – what more could you ask for?

Learn Angular

Angular has a great introductory tutorial that covers the basic principles of Angular. It is pretty famous within the community for people learning Angular.

In this course, you’ll learn everything you need to get started writing applications with Angular. It starts at the very beginning: you’ll install the Angular command-line tools and then create a new project.

Learn Vue

This resource includes courses, tutorials, and lessons from the Vue core team, including Evan You, the creator of the framework. It has a comprehensive learning path you can follow to make sure you are Vue-ready when the time comes.

This is another great resource for learning Vue again with courses from some of the Vue Core team. This resource covers some advanced topics, and there are different tracks you can choose from depending on your level.

Learn Git

An interactive introduction to the fundamentals of version control.

Another highly recommended introductory course, which covers all the fundamentals.

References to bookmark

Here are some important references you may want to bookmark. They may come in handy during your learning journey.

  • MDN (Mozilla Developer Network) is an essential resource for web developers, offering a vast array of documentation, tutorials, and references that cover all aspects of web development. Its reliability, comprehensiveness, and regular updates make it an invaluable tool for both learning and reference.
  • Stack Overflow is a question-and-answer site where developers can ask questions and get answers from the community. It’s invaluable for troubleshooting specific issues and learning from others’ experiences.
  • W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) develops standards and guidelines to help everyone build for the web based on the principles of accessibility, internationalization, privacy, and security. If you’re ever unsure about how to build your app or site for accessibility, start here.

Learning principles

Learning new things can seem daunting and overwhelming. However, using a variety of learning techniques to enhance learning efficiency and effectiveness can help improve your odds of success.

Good learning techniques:

  • Take breaks: Focused learning is hard – for every 25 minutes of study, take a five-minute break.
  • Regular revision: After you finish learning a concept, take 30 seconds to try to recall all the main points.
  • Spaced repetition: Come back to concepts every so often to reinforce them.
  • Build an association: Linking the concepts to other subjects will help with recalling them. You can do this by using interesting code examples that resonate with you.
  • Use multiple sources: Different examples and explanations of a concept aid understanding.
  • Try and solve problems: Apply what you’ve learned in real-life situations.
  • Get feedback: Test your understanding – you’ll learn from getting it wrong.
  • Explain what you’ve learned: Put what you’ve learned into your own words.
  • Learn before bedtime: Your brain will continue to go over the information and cement it.

Learning pitfalls:

  • Don’t just look at the solution: You have to go through the process of solving the problem yourself.
  • Don’t solve the same problems: Once you know how to comfortably solve it, move on.
  • Don’t add distractions: Study time should just be for studying. Focus.
  • Don’t study passively: You need to be engaged, or it won’t stick.
  • Don’t think you’ll learn it in one go: You won’t.


That’s it for today! Learning something new is an infinitely rewarding pursuit. With the right attitude and resources, there’s nothing you can’t learn – it just takes time. If you’re frustrated that you can’t create the next Amazon or Netflix competitor after taking a four-hour course, don’t worry – we’ve all been there. The only way to get better is to practice and code: try, fail, learn, and repeat. You’ll get the biggest gains by applying the code, so even once you have been through a course and learned the basics, it’s time to start applying this knowledge. This is where you’re going to get good – actually, not good – great!

Happy developing!

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