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Instagram 早期采用超高动态范围 HDR,仅用三个月时间就彻底改变了用户界面体验_AI阅读总结 — 包阅AI



关键词:Instagram、Ultra HDR、用户体验、Android 14、图像质量


总结:Instagram 作为早期采用 Ultra HDR 图像格式的应用,在短短 3 个月内极大改善了用户体验。开发团队克服挑战,实现了更优的图像质量,计划在 Android 15 发布时进一步拓展和提升。



– Instagram 及影响力:是世界流行社交网络应用,自 2010 年发布,受摄影师和创作者欢迎。

– 采用 Ultra HDR:开发者为提升用户体验,成为 Ultra HDR 早期采用者。

– 实施过程:2023 年 9 月下旬开始,该格式存储更多光强信息,提升图像质量。

– 带来改变:Ultra HDR 照片上传量激增,用户可同时编辑多图等。

– 面临的挑战与解决:需处理新问题,如颜色空间和文件大小,通过合作和代码示例找到解决方案。

– 未来规划:计划为更多设备提供支持,在 Android 15 探索新 API 和功能。




作者:Android Developers

发布时间:2024/8/27 17:02





标签:Instagram,超高动态范围 HDR,Android 14,图像质量,用户界面体验


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Posted by Mayuri Khinvasara Khabya – Developer Relations Engineer, Google; in partnership with Bismark Ito – Android Developer, Rex Jin – Android Developer and Bei Yi – Partner Engineering

Meta’s Instagram is one of the world’s most popular social networking apps that helps people connect, find communities, and grow their businesses in new and innovative ways. Since its release in 2010, photographers and creators alike have embraced the platform, making it a go-to hub of artistic expression and creativity.

Instagram developers saw an opportunity to build a richer media experience by becoming an early adopter of Ultra HDR image format, a new feature introduced with Android 14. With its adoption of Ultra HDR, Instagram completely transformed and improved its user experience in just 3 months.


Enhancing Instagram photo quality with Ultra HDR

The development team wanted to be an early adopter of Ultra HDR because photos and videos are Instagram’s most important form of interaction and expression, and improving image quality aligns with Meta’s goal of connecting people, communities, and businesses. “Android rapidly adopts the latest media technology so that we can bring the benefits to users,” said Rex Jin, an Android developer on the Instagram Media Platform team.

Instagram developers started implementing Ultra HDR in late September 2023. Ultra HDR images store more information about light intensity for more detailed highlights, shadows, and crisper colors. It also enables capturing, editing, sharing, and viewing HDR photos, a significant improvement over standard dynamic range (SDR) photos while still being backward compatible. Users can seamlessly post, view, edit, and apply filters to Ultra HDR photos without compromising image quality.

Since the update, Instagram has seen a large surge in Ultra HDR photo uploads. Users have also embraced their new ability to edit up to 10 Ultra HDR images simultaneously and share photos that retain the full color and dynamic camera capture range. Instagram’s pioneering integration of Ultra HDR earned industry-wide recognition and praise when it was announced at Samsung Unpacked and in a Pixel Feature Drop.

Pioneering Ultra HDR integrations

Being early adopters of Android 14 meant working with beta versions of the operating system and addressing the challenges associated with implementing a brand-new feature that’s never been tested publicly. For example, Instagram developers needed to find innovative solutions to handle the expanded color space and larger file sizes of Ultra HDR images while maintaining compatibility with Instagram’s diverse editing features and filters.

The team found solutions during the development process by using code examples for HDR photo capture and rendering. Instagram also partnered with Google’s Android Camera & Media team to address the challenges of displaying Ultra HDR images, share its developer experience, and provide feedback during integration. The partnership helped speed up the integrations, and the feedback shared was implemented faster.

“With Android being an open source project, we can build more optimized media solutions with better performance on Instagram,” said Bismark Ito, an Android developer at Instagram. “I feel accomplished when I find a creative solution that works on a range of devices with different hardware capabilities.”

UI image of an uploaded Instagram post that was taken using Ultra HDR

Building for the future with Android 15

Ultra HDR has significantly enhanced Instagram’s photo-sharing experience, and Meta is already planning to expand support to more devices and add future image and video quality improvements. With the upcoming Android 15 release, the company plans to explore new APIs and features that amplify its mission of connecting people, communities, and businesses.

As the Ultra HDR development process showed, being the first to adopt a new feature involves navigating new challenges to give users the best possible experience. However, collaborating with Google teams and Android’s open source community can help make the process smoother.

Get started

Learn how to revolutionize your app’s user experience with Ultra HDR images.