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为公共利益的人工智能:未来光明_AI阅读总结 — 包阅AI


1. 关键词:AI、公共服务、政府、效率、成本节约

2. 总结:本文探讨了 AI 在政府中的影响,指出其不仅能带来业务指标改善,还能节省资源用于公共服务,提升民众生活质量,列举了英美政府的相关举措和案例。

3. 主要内容:

– 阐述AI为政府带来的好处不限于业务指标,如效率和成本节约等。

– 以英国为例,政府组建AI团队开发试点项目,包括减少药房欺诈和错误、转移寻求庇护者、总结政府咨询回应等,有望节省资金并改善公民健康和福祉。

– 美国政府问责局估计联邦政府机构有超1200个AI使用案例,涵盖改善客户支持、增强福利项目、分析天气危害等。

– 英国政府机构有74个AI使用案例正在进行中。




作者:Peter Dutton

发布时间:2024/8/22 16:12







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How do we measure the impact of AI in government? Without a doubt, the benefits that AI will bring to operational processes and decision-making have been discussed at great length — from automating workflows to saving costs to reducing duplicated efforts.

But for organisations whose goals centre on serving the public, these benefits of AI aren’t limited to business indicators, such as efficiency or revenue growth. Rather, the potential efficiencies and cost-savings from AI can open up space and resources to devote to delivering meaningful public services that improve the quality of life for people around the globe. It may sound simplistic and idealistic — but it’s already happening.

In the UK, for example, the government has assembled an AI-focused team rapidly developing pilot programs to improve services that directly impact taxpayers and citizens. Initiatives include reducing fraud and error in pharmacies, efficiently moving asylum claimants from hotels, and building a tool to summarize responses to government consultations. These programs have the potential to save taxpayers billions of dollars in addition to improving the overall health and well-being of UK citizens.

In the US, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) estimates that there are over 1,200 AI use cases either underway or planned among federal government agencies — from improving customer support to enhancing benefits programs to analyzing weather hazards. In the UK, 74 AI use cases are in process among government bodies.