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Kubernetes v1.31:通过从缓存读取最新数据加速集群性能_AI阅读总结 — 包阅AI




Kubernetes v1.31、Consistent Reads、Cache、Cluster Performance、Improvement


2. Kubernetes v1.31 推出从缓存进行一致读取的新特性,可加速集群性能,减轻 etcd 负载,降低延迟,提升可扩展性,默认启用,未来还将探索更多优化。


– Kubernetes 面临控制平面瓶颈,确保一致读取重要且有挑战。

– 一致读取对组件准确获取最新集群状态至关重要。

– 大规模集群中数据处理易成性能瓶颈。

– 突破性的缓存改进

– 利用 etcd 进度通知机制实现从缓存的一致读取。

– 检查缓存是否更新,未更新则获取通知直至足够新。

– 能显著提升性能,减少 etcd 数据获取。

– 带来的性能提升

– 减少 etcd 负载,释放资源。

– 降低延迟,提高集群响应。

– 增强可扩展性,大集群获益显著。

– 5k 节点测试结果良好。

– 未来展望

– 已默认启用,将探索分页支持。

– 升级到 v1.31 并确保 etcd 版本可体验新特性。




作者:Kubernetes Blog

发布时间:2024/8/15 0:00







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Kubernetes v1.31: Accelerating Cluster Performance with Consistent Reads from Cache

By Marek Siarkowicz (Google) |

Kubernetes is renowned for its robust orchestration of containerized applications,but as clusters grow, the demands on the control plane can become a bottleneck.A key challenge has been ensuring strongly consistent reads from the etcd datastore,requiring resource-intensive quorum reads.

Today, the Kubernetes community is excited to announce a major improvement:consistent reads from cache, graduating to Beta in Kubernetes v1.31.

Why consistent reads matter

Consistent reads are essential for ensuring that Kubernetes components have an accurate view of the latest cluster state.Guaranteeing consistent reads is crucial for maintaining the accuracy and reliability of Kubernetes operations,enabling components to make informed decisions based on up-to-date information.In large-scale clusters, fetching and processing this data can be a performance bottleneck,especially for requests that involve filtering results.While Kubernetes can filter data by namespace directly within etcd,any other filtering by labels or field selectors requires the entire dataset to be fetched from etcd and then filtered in-memory by the Kubernetes API server.This is particularly impactful for components like the kubelet,which only needs to list pods scheduled to its node – but previously required the API Server and etcd to process all pods in the cluster.

The breakthrough: Caching with confidence

Kubernetes has long used a watch cache to optimize read operations.The watch cache stores a snapshot of the cluster state and receives updates through etcd watches.However, until now, it couldn’t serve consistent reads directly, as there was no guarantee the cache was sufficiently up-to-date.

The consistent reads from cache feature addresses this by leveraging etcd’sprogress notificationsmechanism.These notifications inform the watch cache about how current its data is compared to etcd.When a consistent read is requested, the system first checks if the watch cache is up-to-date.If the cache is not up-to-date, the system queries etcd for progress notifications until it’s confirmed that the cache is sufficiently fresh.Once ready, the read is efficiently served directly from the cache,which can significantly improve performance,particularly in cases where it would require fetching a lot of data from etcd.This enables requests that filter data to be served from the cache,with only minimal metadata needing to be read from etcd.

Important Note: To benefit from this feature, your Kubernetes cluster must be running etcd version 3.4.31+ or 3.5.13+.For older etcd versions, Kubernetes will automatically fall back to serving consistent reads directly from etcd.

Performance gains you’ll notice

This seemingly simple change has a profound impact on Kubernetes performance and scalability:

  • Reduced etcd Load: Kubernetes v1.31 can offload work from etcd,freeing up resources for other critical operations.
  • Lower Latency: Serving reads from cache is significantly faster than fetchingand processing data from etcd. This translates to quicker responses for components,improving overall cluster responsiveness.
  • Improved Scalability: Large clusters with thousands of nodes and pods willsee the most significant gains, as the reduction in etcd load allows thecontrol plane to handle more requests without sacrificing performance.

5k Node Scalability Test Results: In recent scalability tests on 5,000 nodeclusters, enabling consistent reads from cache delivered impressive improvements:

  • 30% reduction in kube-apiserver CPU usage
  • 25% reduction in etcd CPU usage
  • Up to 3x reduction (from 5 seconds to 1.5 seconds) in 99th percentile pod LIST request latency

What’s next?

With the graduation to beta, consistent reads from cache are enabled by default,offering a seamless performance boost to all Kubernetes users running a supportedetcd version.

Our journey doesn’t end here. Kubernetes community is actively exploringpagination support in the watch cache, which will unlock even more performanceoptimizations in the future.

Getting started

Upgrading to Kubernetes v1.31 and ensuring you are using etcd version 3.4.31+ or3.5.13+ is the easiest way to experience the benefits of consistent reads fromcache.If you have any questions or feedback, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Kubernetes community.

Let us know how consistent reads from cache transforms your Kubernetes experience!

Special thanks to @ah8ad3 and @p0lyn0mial for their contributions to this feature!