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我们帮助加州帝王蝶的最新努力_AI阅读总结 — 包阅AI


1. 关键词:California、monarch butterflies、habitat、Google、restoration

2. 总结:谷歌致力于帮助加州的帝王蝶,投资恢复和创建栖息地,已超 750 英亩,提供资助,在加州校区新建栖息地,新办公室支持原生生态系统,获年度奖项,望提高保护意识。

3. 主要内容:

– 谷歌计划支持西部帝王蝶

– 因帝王蝶被列为濒危物种

– 承诺投资创建栖息地

– 已取得的成果

– 恢复和增强超 750 英亩栖息地

– 资助相关组织

– 在加州校区创建 20 英亩新栖息地

– 新办公室的生态设计

– 山景城的新建筑有大片原生景观和帝王蝶栖息地

– 圣布鲁诺的新 YouTube 园区有原生种植区和帝王蝶花园

– 获得奖项与未来期望

– 获帝王蝶年度维护者奖

– 希望提高保护意识,鼓励他人行动




作者:Erin Beller

发布时间:2024/6/20 21:30







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In 2021, we shared our plans to invest in creating habitats to support the western monarch butterfly, a species recently added as endangered to the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Red List.

Over the years, we’ve helped restore and enhance over 750 acres of monarch butterfly habitat across California — achieving our 2021 monarch butterfly pledge. As part of our monarch support, provided grants to the Xerces Society and Peninsula Open Space Trust (POST) to fund monarch habitat restoration work in Silicon Valley and across California. In addition, Google has created 20 acres of new habitat on our California campuses designed to support monarch butterflies and other pollinators.

Our monarch pledge is part of our overall effort to bring nature back into the built environment by restoring critical habitats across our campuses — for monarchs alongside a biodiverse group of other species. Last year, we opened two new offices in California that were intentionally designed to support native ecosystems. Our new Gradient Canopy building in Mountain View includes over four acres of native landscaping, including monarch habitat. And our new YouTube campus in San Bruno features 2.8 acres of native planting areas, including a monarch-focused garden. As of the end of 2023, we have created or restored approximately 67 acres of habitat and planted roughly 4,500 native trees on Google’s campuses and the surrounding urban landscape.

We’re honored to have been awarded the Monarch Sustainer of the Year Award by Pollinator Partnership as a result of these efforts. Our hope is to raise awareness about the threats facing monarch butterflies, and we encourage others to join us in taking action to support them.