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Tabnine AI 编码助手展示其模型实力_AI阅读总结 — 包阅AI


1. `Tabnine`、`AI 编码助手`、`代码生成`、`编程语言`、`竞争`


Tabnine 是一款 AI 编码助手,具有多种强大功能,支持多种编程语言和框架,可在软件开发生命周期中发挥作用,能回答常见开发者问题,虽面临竞争但因提供多种 AI 模型而有优势。


– Tabnine 特点

– 提供上下文感知建议

– 有强大的聊天窗口和可选 AI 模型

– 支持模型个性化

– 语言支持

– 约 15 种流行编程语言达“优秀”或“良好”支持水平

– 65 种左右语言和框架有不同程度支持

– 最新版支持超 600 种语言和框架

– 期望提示为英语,其他语言可能可用

– 使用场景

– 覆盖软件开发生命周期

– 但缺乏命令行界面支持

– 能回答常见开发者问题和请求

– 具备多种能力如生成代码、代码重构等

– 竞争情况

– 直接与多款产品竞争

– 间接与众多语言模型竞争,但因聊天窗口的多种 AI 模型而优势明显





发布时间:2024/8/12 8:30





标签:AI 编码助手,Tabnine,代码生成,AI 模型,软件开发


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Tabnine, the “OG” AI-powered coding assistant, offers several powerful features that improve code generation and code generation, including context-aware suggestions, a chat window with a strong array of selectable AI models, and personalization of its models. The Tabnine Protected model supports about 15 popular programming languages at the “excellent” or “good” level, and another 65 or so languages and frameworks at varying levels of support. Tabnine Protected 2 (the latest update, which dropped as I was writing this review) supports more than 600 programming languages and frameworks. Tabnine expects its prompts to be in English, although other languages may work.

The use cases for Tabnine cover the full software development life cycle (SDLC), but currently lack any support for the command-line interface (CLI). Tabnine answers common developer questions and requests, such as “Where in our code base do we …,” “Write a unit test for this code,” “Generate documentation for this function,” and “Explain what this code does.” Its capabilities include generating code from plain language, onboarding developers to new code bases, autonomous generation of tests and documentation, code refactoring, and AI-generated fixes.

Tabnine competes directly with GitHub Copilot, JetBrains AI Assistant, Sourcegraph Cody, and Amazon Q Developer, and indirectly competes with a number of large language models (LLMs) and small language models (SLMs) that know about code, such as Code Llama, StarCoder, Bard/Gemini Pro, OpenAI Codex, and Mistral Codestral. Because Tabnine currently allows you to choose among seven good AI models for its chat window, it’s hard to take its indirect competition very seriously.