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通过 GitHub 高级安全认证考试_AI阅读总结 — 包阅AI


1. 关键词:GitHub Advanced Security、Certification、Security Skills、Course、Vulnerabilities

2. 总结:强调通过 GitHub Advanced Security 认证的重要性,介绍了新发布的相关课程,涵盖其多方面内容,能帮助提升安全技能,课程在 YouTube 频道可观看。

3. 主要内容:

– GitHub Advanced Security 认证

– 重要性:提升保障项目安全的能力,提高软件完整性标准

– 相关课程

– 发布平台 YouTube 频道

– 开发者:Ashish from Exam Pro

– 内容:

– 基础知识:包括 GHAS 概述、Git 与 GitHub 基础

– 安全方面:如安全漏洞、秘密扫描

– 管理相关:依赖管理、代码扫描、CodeQL

– 最佳实践:涵盖 SDLC 与角色职责

– 企业应用:购买启用及访问与日志

– 课程特点

– 全面实用

– 助获取认证与实际应用




作者:Beau Carnes

发布时间:2024/7/17 18:37





标签:GitHub 高级安全,网络安全,软件开发,认证,在线课程


本内容来源于用户推荐转载,旨在分享知识与观点,如有侵权请联系删除 联系邮箱

Ensuring the security of your code is important, and mastering GitHub Advanced Security (GHAS) can significantly enhance your ability to safeguard your projects. If you want to strengthen your security skills, obtaining the GitHub Advanced Security Certification is a great step. This certification validates your expertise in identifying vulnerabilities, securing workflows, and implementing robust security measures, thereby elevating the standards of software integrity within your organization.

We just published a course on the YouTube channel that will teach you all about passing the GitHub Advanced Security Certification. This comprehensive course covers everything from the fundamentals of GitHub Advanced Security to intricate details of code scanning and dependency management. By the end of this course, you’ll have a thorough understanding of how to use GitHub’s security features to protect your code and manage vulnerabilities effectively. Ashish from Exam Pro developed this course.

Course Contents

GitHub Advanced Security Overview

  • Introduction: Understand the basics and importance of GHAS.

  • Git Overview & GitHub Overview: Get a solid foundation in Git and GitHub operations.

  • Git Terms & GitHub Repo Overview: Familiarize yourself with essential terminology and repository management.

  • Advanced Security Overview: Delve into GHAS-enabled plans and the various components involved.

  • Taking action on Alerts & Enabling GHAS: Learn how to act on security alerts and enable GHAS manually or automatically.

Security Overview

  • Security Vulnerabilities: Learn what security vulnerabilities are, including types and common examples.

  • Finding Vulnerabilities in GitHub: Explore how to identify vulnerabilities using GitHub’s tools and the GitHub Advisory Database.

Secret Scanning

  • Secret Scanning Overview & Locations: Discover where and how secret scanning works.

  • Enabling Secret Scanning & Partner Program: Enable secret scanning and understand the partner program’s use case.

  • Starting a Scan & Setting Notifications: Learn to initiate scans and manage notifications.

Dependency Management

  • Open Source Dependency Management: Understand the challenges of open source dependencies.

  • Dependabot Overview: Dive into Dependabot’s features, use cases, and licensing for private repositories.

  • Triaging Vulnerabilities: Learn to triage and manage vulnerabilities detected by Dependabot.

Code Scanning

  • Code Scanning Overview: Gain insights into how code scanning operates and the repositories it supports.

  • Implementing Scanning: Learn to set up and start code scans, and understand the various trigger types.


  • Enabling Code Scanning & SARIF Files: Learn to enable code scanning and manage SARIF files.

  • CodeQL Queries: Deep dive into CodeQL queries, their anatomy, and how to utilize them for thorough code analysis.

  • Workflow and Partner Integrations: Explore the CodeQL workflow and partner integrations to streamline your security processes.

GHAS Best Practices

  • Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC): Learn best practices for integrating GHAS within the SDLC, including security policies and workflow management.

  • Roles and Responsibilities: Understand the roles and responsibilities of developers, security personnel, and admins in maintaining security.

GHAS for Enterprise

  • Purchasing and Enabling GHAS: Considerations for purchasing GHAS licenses and enabling GHAS at various levels.

  • Access and Logging: Manage access to alerts and understand logging and API endpoints for security purposes.

This course is designed to provide a thorough and practical understanding of GitHub Advanced Security, ensuring you are well-equipped to achieve certification and apply these skills in real-world scenarios. Watch the full course on the YouTube channel (3-hour watch).